★ CEO MOM ACADEMY IS $500 OFF UNTIL February 28 ★


Scale Like a Mother

How to Build a 6-Figure Business on Mom Hours - Without Burnout

Watch the Limited Time Replay

You know you have what it takes to be successful, but trying to squeeze your success into 20 minutes, nap time slots, and kids’ sick days feels impossible.

That's why you're looking for the RIGHT solution to your biggest frustration.


You just need:

1. SOMETHING TO SELL (an offer)
2. PEOPLE TO SELL IT TO (an audience).

The truth is, business is simple.

YOU can be the SUPERMOM
who "has it all"

Calling the mom who's felt their business potential crumble under the weight of dishes, laundry and family life: 

Sit down, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let's chat.

I'm ready to join

without sacrificing family time, burning yourself out, or limiting your business success. 

How do I decide what I CAN sell when I only have about 2-4 hours a day to work?

How do I find the people to sell it to when I spend most of my day with people under the age of 5?

How much time do I need to spend on marketing my offer?

When I have 20-minute increments to work, what do I focus on, and in what order?

What business model actually makes sense for me when I’m
      -   expecting a baby
      -   a mom of two under two at home
      -   running around all afternoon to extracurriculars
      -   an introvert who doesn’t have the energy to “people” too much…

But when you're a mom, here's where it gets stickier than glow-in-the-dark slime in your toddler's hair:

And to make matters worse, all the top business coaches/gurus/ success stories out there make it feel like there's something wrong with you for not being able to achieve their level of success in their timeframe.

So yes, it's SIMPLE -
but it's ANYTHING but straightforward.

👉 VAs
👉 Nannies
👉 Personal assistants
👉 An existing 6-7 figure business before they even HAD kids that enabled them to get support
👉 Older kids who could help out with the younger set
👉 Children in school
👉 A spouse who picked up most of the home maintenance
👉 Supportive parents who live right around the corner and happily fill in all the gaps

... All well and good, but NOT necessarily reflective of YOUR reality.

And even if they ARE moms, when you look a little closer, you realize they got to where they are with a TON of help:

(My husband would rather stab himself in the eye with a rusty fork than be “retired” so he could stay home with our kids. Not happening.)


All you want are offers you love to deliver, client inquiries in your inbox, and five-figures a month working only 15-20 hours a week so you can give your family (and yourself) the experiences, home, and resources you always wanted.


No. No, it isn't - and it's ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE FOR YOU!

General business advice works in general, but it doesn't work for us because it’s not calibrated to mom life.

Predictability? Ha.

Morning routines? You mean I have to wake up BEFORE my kids?

I did all the things. Booking myself out with sales calls (many of which weren’t highly qualified), beautifully custom proposals that got ghosted, charging hourly, offering a Cheesecake Factory-like menu of offers…

And yes, I was hitting the occasional 5-figure month…but I was working ALL THE FREAKING TIME. My fitness went out the window, I was exhausted all the time, and I was losing patience with my kids WAY more than I felt comfortable with.



Then I got pregnant with bundle of joy #5. And I realized:

I needed a LEVERAGED business. One that gave me the most income and impact with the least amount of effort.

(Efficiency is my superpower. I specialize in things like cooking entire meals using minimal dishes, dictating copy while folding laundry, and reading personal development books and planning my week while I get my 10K steps in for the day.)

And with that insight, I developed my own way of doing business... a way that worked for ME, with MY schedule and my family's needs.

Because if you want to build a business that works with your MOM life,
you need a business model that’s built around that lifestyle from DAY ONE.

So I did all the work for you (so you can get results without sacrificing your family, your sanity, and every scrap of sleep) and created…

My signature CEO M.O.M.S. Method.

M - is for MINDSET

Your mindset game needs to be rock-solid so you can make business decisions (and life decisions) from the place of a CEO and not a struggling freelancer. No tired bro mindset sound bites that make you want to poke your eyes out and eat 3 tubs of Cookies and Cream Haagen Daz. No more hustling - we work from a place of LEVERAGE.

Here's how it works:

O - Your signature, producticized OFFER

Having a menu of services will only position you as an assistant, not as an expert - whereas productizing your service to make it your signature, premium offer will position you as the GO-TO in your niche - yes, even if there are 3 gazillion people out there doing “the same thing as you”!

PLUS: your offer needs to be custom designed for YOUR life and schedule to make it as scalable and - yes, leveraged - as possible.

M - “Mom-viable” MARKETING.

Your client-attracting marketing plan has to be strategic, efficient, and doable in 30-45 minutes a day or less. It’s the lifeblood of your business and you want to make sure you’re spending time on the right things when it comes to your marketing and sales strategy! (You don’t have the TIME to spend throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

S - Streamlined SYSTEMS

These save you hours of time each week, ensure a smooth client experience, and position you as the professional you are! Having automations and processes working for you while you Netflix and chill (or just pass out, let’s be real here) - YES, please!

With these 4 crucial elements, you’ll have a business that serves YOU - not the other way around.

If you’ve ever yawned while working on a last-minute client project late at night and wondered where the famous “freedom” was that everyone was talking about when you started your business…you’re not alone!

You can finally plan a family vacation without worrying that you're letting clients down or that you're missing out on opportunities - your waitlist is filling, your clients respect your boundaries and aren't spamming your inbox with "urgent" messages, and the only time you open your laptop is to binge Outlander with your hubby and a cold glass of rosé once the kids are in bed.

You're nursing your baby and open your phone to find a new, qualified lead for your premium offer - and you've never even heard of them before!

Every time you sit down to create content, you know exactly what to say to have ideal clients coming into your DMs. And it only takes you a couple of hours at the beginning of the week!

You sit down during naptime to plan out your next quarter and notice that you have only one more spot to fill to completely book yourself out - and you're not working more than 15-20 hours on any given week.

Your inbox is full of invitations to collaborate and speak at events because you're the GO-TO for your expertise in your space.

Here's what you REALLY want:

The truth is, all the strategies and courses you’ve bought probably work (in theory),
but they may not work FOR YOU…

Because you didn’t have the right guide - someone who’s done it before. Who’s built the business, had the six-figure years, and grown her family while doing it.

I.e. - me.

Hi, I'm Yael!

Hey, Mama! Nice to meet you. You’ve come to the right place.

As a busy entrepreneur myself with 6 kids (two of whom were born alongside my business) - I get you! I know how chaotic, draining and overwhelming it can be to try to do it all.

You want to be the world’s best mom, spouse, and business owner, and most days it feels like you’re failing at them all. You’re NOT.

Mom of 6, multi-6-figure business owner, and hardcore Harry Potter, cottage baking and Broadway musical  geek.

It’s simply about working smarter, not harder.

Using my proven strategies, systems and offers, I actually achieved my biggest months EVER during the pandemic and in 2021. . . while pregnant, managing four kids at home on Zoom, and working less.

And I’m only working two to four hours a day on average. (I have a baby at home with me. It's all I got.)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a mom and entrepreneur, it’s that there is NO one size fits all solution - in business or in life.

*clears throat and wipes some  baby puke off my shirt while a payment notification comes in*

✨ A proven and repeatable marketing plan

✨ The systems to back it up so it's executed on autopilot

✨ A supportive mom community led by a coach who can give you REAL answers for what you need. (And the kind who isn’t going to tell you to “just push through” a kids’ sick day.)

✨ The confidence that you CAN hit (and crush) your income goals monthly…
Even while working 15-20 hours a week (i.e. during naptimes)!

It’s about finding what already works and making it work for you.


This soup-to-nuts course will help you create your customized and flexible online business that fits your unique family demands and schedule
and hit 6-figure years in just 20 hours a week!

Introducing CEO Mom Academy

Where Mom-ing and Entrepreneurship Align

You'll Discover How To:

✨ Use my Moms Offer Matrix to create systemized, productized and scalable high-ticket offers to bring in more income

✨ Create a signature framework that simplifies your entire business model, offer suite, and marketing plan

✨ Design an efficient routine so you work fewer hours per week

✨ Focus on leveraged, revenue-generating activities

✨ Take time off (maternity leave, vacation or even just a little “you” time) and enjoy it because your business is running just fine

✨ Use my Mom-Viable Marketing Method to market effectively in only 30 minutes a day

✨ Find your dream clients (and keep them!)

✨ Hit consistent monthly goals and exit the feast/famine cycle

✨ Create Simplified Systems to free up 5-10 hours a week

Let’s face it. Moms are superheroes. The amount of things we are able to juggle on any given day is astounding . . .

We truly do it ALL.

We’ve got more push-through than a bunch of bros on a wilderness bonding trip.

This program was created by a mom (yours truly) who truly understands the demands placed on you at all times.

It was designed for moms like YOU, who make every second of free time count and are giving 100% in all areas already.

Seriously, if no one’s told you this already -- you’re an absolute ROCKSTAR!

Unlike other courses, the CEO Mom Academy was developed to fit into your busy life and existing business . . . not the other way around.

. . . to make being an entrepreneur and mom align, not fight each other for time or mental real estate.

Forget unrealistic goals and insane amounts of training that leaves you hanging by a thread on Overwhelm Island. Who’s got time for that? Not us, entrepreneur moms! That’s for sure!

Instead, this Academy prioritizes MOMS and puts you first.

Why this Program Rises Above ALL the Rest... Guaranteed

The CEO Mom Academy Will Equip You To:

Hit your income goals and grow to 5-figure months with ease (the goal is SUSTAINABLE growth here!)

Find and work with dream clients and deliver epic results

 Work only 15-20 hours a week but bring in more sales

 Take action and lead with confidence

Spend time with family and on work . . . without feeling guilty about either

In this 4-phase, step-by-step program, you’ll gain access to a proven and repeatable marketing plan, where all the systems are designed to run in the most leveraged way possible. . . which is the KEY to freeing up your time and energy!

Here's a Peek at What's Inside...

And we break it all down using my proprietary ...

CEO M.O.M.S Method

Phase 1: Your Mindset

MODULE 1: Design Your Ideal Schedule

In this module, you’re going to design your ideal work week, start thinking about the offers that will help support that, and get a TON of my “working with kids” hacks including:

🗓️ Managing Zoom calls
🗓️ Creating content
🗓️ Doing work that requires a lot of mental energy and focus (like writing this sales copy)
🗓️ What to do when you only have 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes at a time to quickly move the needle forward
🗓️ How to find your most productive time so you can knock out the high-mental-energy stuff efficiently
🗓️ Baby and child scheduling tips for more work time

MODULE 2: Make Your Mindset Matter

Get control of your mindset so that you can show up consistently in your business with confidence and attract your dream clients who are ready to work with you effortlessly. We work together on going from a solopreneur mindset to the CEO Mom mindset that you need to scale your business so you can create the life of your dreams!

Phase 2: Your Offer

Module 3: Pinpoint Your Profitable Superpower

It’s time to fine-tune your message, develop effective offers that actually work for you and your schedule, and hone in on your perfect client so you can begin marketing to them quickly. The goal is to get you hitting 5-figure months in just 15-20 hours of work per week! We’ll utilize my Moms Offer Matrix to figure out exactly which kinds of offers are suited to your personality.

We all have superpowers, but the question is: which one will sell PROFITABLY? In this module we audit your skills, talents and current offers as well as your ideal client buckets to find your most profitable superpower and audience to target!

Module 4: Branding, Messaging and Positioning

In this module, we’ll identify your brand mission and vision, your ideal client avatar, do in-depth market research…and craft your unique message and define the premium positioning that will set you aside from the crowd and enable you to stand out to your dream clients! There’s SO much messaging gold in this module - it’ll be one of the cornerstones of your content and our students have said it’s one of their favorites!

Module 5: Create Your Signature Productized Offer

In this module, we’ll craft your signature, premium and productized offer that will enable you to simplify your sales and delivery process and cut down on all the customization you DON’T need. This signature offer will also serve as the anchor for your 3-part offer suite!

Module 6: Nail Your Framework

Got your offer down? It's time to nail your framework so you can increase authority, credibility, and ease in your business and marketing. Your signature framework will be like catnip to the right clients!

Module 7: Beta Now, Better Later

Now that your offer is ready to get out there, we’re going to focus on getting your first 5 clients in the door so you can validate it, increase your prices and start hitting your monthly income goals!

The section on branding, messaging, and positioning is a gold mine. I can easily go back and watch that a couple more times and I think I'll get something more out of it each time.

Kate Martin (OBM for ADHD Business Owners)

Phase 3: Your Marketing

Module 8: Lead Generation - Your External Marketing System

We’ll customize, plan and build out your marketing goals. Covering everything from a marketing plan, audience growth, content strategy, daily sales goals, and launch strategy. Proper planning enables proper execution . . . which means you hit your income goals!

In this module, we’ll focus on what I call your “external marketing system”. This includes things like relationship marketing, social media, growth events, other people’s audiences, and organic content like Youtube, blogging, and podcasting. I bring in experts on the different platforms to make sure you get the hottest and most up-to-date information on how to grow and connect with your ideal clients utilizing the platforms that are right for YOU! The goal is not to be EVERYWHERE - it’s to be in the minimal amount of places you need to show up to bring those ideal clients in the door.

Module 9: Content That Converts

This is where all of your work comes together! This module is an entire course of its own - we cover the purposes of different types of content, how to map out your content each week to make it SUPER easy to create (I did this while pregnant and postpartum during a pandemic - with 4 kids at home 😛), how to turn your stories and client work into content that attracts your dream clients, using mini-trainings to nurture your audience, and specific content that sells your offers! I’m giving you OODLES of prompts and templates in here that you can take and make your own - you’ve got everything you need!

Module 10: Solidify Your Sales System

Here we’ll optimize your sales system - the roadmap from lead to sale. We’ll work on your sales confidence and your pitch. We’ll also cover how to crush discovery calls and selling in the DMs. (When you have your framework and marketing pieces at play, you don’t always HAVE to get on a call)! And we’ll build your MVP sales system - your calendar, reminder emails, and booking page - so you can start getting clients in the door right away!

Module 11: Master Your Internal Nurture System

Here we’ll create your internal marketing system - emails, DMs, and lead nurture to keep your prospects engaged and keep you top of mind so that you’re the first person they think of when they need someone like you!

Phase 4: Your Systems

Module 12: Client Onboarding, Delivery and Offboarding

Systems are the KEY to working less and making more. We’ll develop powerful systems for your marketing, delivery, and hiring so that you experience explosive growth with a small but powerful team. The goal is to remove you from the day-to-day nitty-gritty and only do the revenue-generating activities!

In this module, we’ll cover how to create a seamless onboarding system, how to set boundaries around your delivery, and craft a delivery and offboarding system that turns your client into a raving fan and future referral!

Module 13: Your Systems and Tools for Scaling

In this module we’ll give you the templates and workflows for all of our systems and tools so that you can automate your sales process and take back hours of your time - this is your tech library to refer to when you want to implement Zaps, workflows and automations!


Templates, Swipes and Workbooks (value: $2997)

You’ve got templates upon swipes upon templates for things like: your offer document, your work with me page, content pieces, emails, messaging, sales posts, Manychat automations…there’s pretty much everything you need in there and probably a few things you didn’t even think of to make sure that you can take action and make money IMMEDIATELY!

Cash Injection Bootcamp ($997)

These trainings have been responsible for close to $15K in cash payments for me in one month, and multiple four and five figure results for clients and friends of mine! My goal with these Cash Injection Campaigns is that you can make your investment back in WEEKS.

Mindset Checkpoints ($497)

Before each module, we’ll have a special mindset lesson touching on the mindset issues and blocks that may come up while implementing that particular piece, and a check-in afterwards to see where your head’s at so that you can ditch all the mind trash that keeps you playing small

The Audience Vault ($997)

I grew my audience and made at least 50-70% of my sales via relationship marketing and collabs. The Audience Vault is an ALL-NEW resource that you will get access to with all of my best practices for growing your audience through securing, delivering on and maximizing collaboration opportunities as well as a few other fun strategies!

Planning for Time Off ($497)

Between babies, Jewish holidays and school vacations, I’ve taken SO much time off during my time as a business owner. This in-depth training tells you exactly how - and I’ll be adding a maternity leave bonus workbook to it if you’re considering growing your family and want to keep growing your business!

The Client Magnet Toolkit ($47)

Grab my 8 PROVEN strategies to get more leads and clients...without spending all day on social or sending 100 cold emails a week!


I'm building Fast Track Missions for you based on different goals you may have - so launching your premium offer, growing your audience, warming your audience up for something new...so you can pick one at any time and get a renewed burst of momentum! The first one - the Audience Accelerator - is already available and the rest will be dripped out through 2024.

(These missions may sell separately, outside of the Academy - but you get them as a bonus when you pay in full!)

With CEO Mom Academy, you’ll discover the power of investing in education from the right mentors, the simple strategic actions to take every day that ACTUALLY move the needle !

Want to see what you get inside?

i made you a video!

Feeling like a sneak peek?

CEO Mom Academy Is For You If:

You want a mom community who will love and support you as you do the work and make shiz happen

 You're a mama ready for YOUR turn at success, to start hitting big income goals consistently

You know mindset and strategy is everything and you’re willing to go all in to get results

You’re a service provider or coach with an existing business and expertise

You want to keep growing your family (or being around to actually raise them) but aren’t confident that your business will survive it

You’re good at what you do, but you’re motivated to be even better

The CEO Mom Academy Is NOT For You If:

You’re not willing to learn a new way to do things

You’re not willing to dedicate at least 5-10 hours a week to growing your business

You don’t have a business yet, have never had a client in your life and are looking for a business idea (if that’s you, shoot me a DM and I can make some suggestions!)

You’re looking for cookie-cutter solutions or magic bullets (we’re fresh out of those…sorry!)

You want a mentor who GETS you and can give you real answers that actually work for your life and business parameters

If you’re searching for a program designed to fit MOMS . . . one that truly understands the demands you are under in all areas of life . . . then look no further.

Say no more, I want in!

“I hit my first $25K month during my time with Yael, and crossed $100K halfway through the year! I'm finally selling the programs I've always wanted to sell, and I'm not working with clients who exhaust me. I've also already filled the first 100 spots in my membership!”
-Theresa B, Systems Coachsultant

“I 3xed my income, but more importantly I 10xed my mindset! I started putting myself out there every single day, and I'm currently getting quality leads coming to me straight from my social media posts - no outreach necessary!”
-Jen H, Copywriter

“I closed over $8K in sales in just two weeks! I hit my first $22K month working with Yael by closing more clients for my high-ticket program in one month than I EVER had before!”
-Bonita G, Love and Dating Coach

"I finally believe that I can make money whenever I want! I'm less than $200 away from my first $10K month! I'm working less and making more money than I ever have before and it seems so much easier than it's ever been!”
-Karrie B, Pinterest Strategist

“Nowadays, you’ll find the online world is full of people who are coaches that take your money and talk a lot of regurgitated junk. That’s not the case with Yael. She’s always given me sensible and effective advice that’s helped me take action immediately and reap the rewards. If you need a cheerleader that will root for you and help you take the steps needed to be successful, Yael is your girl!”
-Rose G, Marketing Strategist

But don’t just take my word for it. See what other Mamas are saying . . .

CEO MOM ACADEMY gives you FULL support.
No trying to figure it out on your own - you have a clear plan, a supportive community and laser-targeted coaching and ANSWERS to move through any obstacle that comes your way!

I want these results too!
I'm ready for the next level

I’ve done it. It’s expensive. And it’s limited. How many sessions can you get for $2K? At minimum a 3-month package - and to really build your business foundations right, 3 months just isn’t enough time. And if you want a bigger package, that can cost you upwards of $10-$25K or more.


Hire a 1:1 Coach

I have faith in you that you can get scrappy and work it all out yourself…eventually. Watch a bunch of YouTube videos here, buy a $500 course there - you CAN put the pieces together. But it may take you months, or years, to get to where you want to go. And I’ve done the work for you - thrown all the spaghetti at the wall, spent well over $100,000 in business education and coaching - so why not save yourself the time (which is SO much more valuable than money - it’s not a renewable resource) AND have someone to go to when you come up against questions that you can’t Google the answer to?

Figure It Out Yourself

With the step-by-step curriculum, access to the CEO MOMS Method to help you make your business decisions with ease, and the super affordable investment…the CEO Mom Academy is the perfect all-in-one program that will answer all the questions you've had til now about "what do I do when...?" - odds are there will be a lesson inside that will help you!

Join CEO Mom Academy


Because in 6-9 months, everything could look different . . .
(oh, hello every single human who didn't exist 9 months prior and is now screaming in mom's ear)

Here’s Why You Need to Join 
CEO Mom Academy TODAY . . .

I get it - if you’re already overwhelmed, it's hard to imagine adding anything else to your plate . . . even if it's something that will help in the long run.

So let me ask you an important question: Where do you see your business being in the next three months?
Where do you see your family life?

Can you see the changes I described if you DON’T take this step?

If you’re still reading, then you know deep down you’re ready for the next level . . .

You know that two to four new clients a month at $2-5K each could change everything for you.

In fact, if you got just ONE $2K client in the next 1-3 months you’ll have already made your investment back!

So what if you spent the next 12 months reaching that next level?

Hitting a six-figure income . . . while working less and enjoying your family more?

It IS possible.

There is no better time than NOW to create the life you want and deserve - for yourself, your business and your family.

What are you waiting for?

Enroll in the Academy Below

(No more questions? Ready to enroll now? Just scroll on down!)

I'm ready, Yael! Let's do this!


CEO Mom Academy
One-Time Easy Payment of 

12 Program Modules (with Lifetime Updates) (value $4997)
Templates, Swipes and Workbooks (value: $2997)

BONUS: Cash Injection Bootcamp (value: $997)
BONUS: Mindset Checkpoints (value $497)
BONUS: Audience Vault (value: $497)
BONUS: Client Magnet Toolkit (value: $47)
BONUS: Plan for Time Off (value: $497)

The Investment


I'm in for CMA!

Want to talk this through?
 Shoot me a DM on Instagram.
I got you. 


$444 today

Want to talk this through?
 Shoot me a DM on Instagram.
I got you. 

GET 6 Months of support in the momentum collective for just


EVERYTHING inside CEO Mom Academy PLUS:
My entire CEO Moms Suite of offers (value: $10K+):
  • The Leveraged CEO Accelerator
  • High Ticket, Low Hassle
  • Momentum Marketing Masterclass
  • The Sales Explosion Workshop
  • Rich Mom Energy
  • The Get Clients Bootcamp
  • The Audience Accelerator
  • ALL of my masterclasses
EVERY course or live group program that I run during your time in the Collective (excluding high proximity miniminds)
Discounts on private coaching opportunities with me
Monthly Momentum hotseat coaching calls to kick off the month
Monthly Q&A threads to get every question answered
A supportive community of like-minded mamas

I’m so confident that you’re going to get SO much out of this program that I’m putting my money where my mouth is. If you go through at least 50% of the program within 14 days of purchase and you haven't gleaned at least one gold nugget that you can take action on -  you get a no questions asked full refund.

+ 5 monthly payments


our ceo mom guarantee



$297 today

+ 5 monthly payments


Do I need to have an email list to join CMA?/Do I need to have an email list to have a successful freelance business?

Absolutely not, on both counts, but it’ll make it a heck of a lot easier!

I firmly believe that you should start growing your list yesterday. If you haven’t, today is the next best time. You can use your email list to launch new offers, to do market research, to get people on a waitlist for your services - and to have an audience that social media doesn’t own.

It’s important to build your audience on your own turf, and in CMA you will build a lead funnel that both attracts your ideal clients AND builds your list at the same time.

How do I know this program will work for me?

CEO Mom Academy is best for online service providers, coaches or consultants. If you have a brick-and-mortar or ecommerce business, I’m happy to point you in the right direction (which isn’t the Academy). But if you really aren't sure, send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram and my team and I will help you figure out if this is the right program for you!

What if I can’t sell a high ticket offer for what I do?

If you doubt being able to sell a high ticket offer, I will let you know this upfront before you enter the program. My entire goal is to help you succeed, not get you into a program that won’t work for you. That being said, if you can solve a significant problem for people, you can charge accordingly - and the whole goal of CMA is to help you determine those high-profit problems so you can solve them!


hey Yael, i have a question...

The investment feels like a lot.

The investment is usually what stops people from moving forward. And I get that, so I planned this out too. CMA implements a cash injection module at the very beginning you can use to make your investment back within weeks! Plus, with the strategies I teach, you’ll need 1-2 clients AT MOST to make back your investment.

What if I don’t have time to market my business?

In the Academy, we teach you how to market in just 30 minutes a day . . . plus how to build a lead generation funnel to drive more leads and sales calls into your calendar!

How many platforms do I need to be on to be successful?

Oh, don’t get me started. I personally feel that the reason so many entrepreneurs have a hard time being consistent with their social content is that they’re trying to be in too many places at once! ESPECIALLY busy moms who are already pulled in so many directions! 

I recommend starting with ONE SEO based platform and ONE social platform, and adding on another when you’ve mastered that.

Of course, you can always repurpose your content elsewhere- I personally start with my emails as my primary content and pull pieces out to turn into IG stories, Reels, and Tiktoks as well as carousels and Facebook posts. But trying to grow multiple platforms is like cleaning your playroom while your kids are playing - you won’t get far, and you’ll get super frustrated and probably give up.

I’m also bringing in experts on different platforms so you can succeed on whichever platform you choose!


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