SPECIaL BABY BONUSES & Extended payplan available for the next 6 MEMBERS!

Apply Here

For moms who want to scale past 6-figures while being present
with their family.

CEO Mom Mastermind

Summer 2024 Only Bonuses!

✨ Two bonus months in the program (pay for 12, get 14) and get IMMEDIATE access to my entire product suite, the supportive community, the weekly copy audits, AND our next two calls in June as well as guest experts and co-working/peer mastermind sessions with the Mastermind co-coach Jen Hill Myers.
($2,500 value) 

✨Extended 14-month payment plan for cashflow benefits

✨ NEW MASTERMIND ADDITION! Access to the entire Falling Down The Funnel curriculum AND monthly calls  with Podfunnel Co-Coach Tara Counterman - where she'll help you create your podcast mini-series funnel to sell your high ticket services and coaching without sales calls!

This is MAGIC and the perfect summer project that you can deploy in the fall!
($6,000 value)

BANANAS BONUS: FOUR 1:1 CALLS to use throughout our time together (including an ROI Revenue Roadmap kickoff call - the sooner you join, the sooner we can schedule it in and make a plan before I go on maternity leave!)
These calls are where you can tap in when you need it and get that intense and focused coaching outside of our usual hotseats.
My clients and I have created $10-$25k in revenue within days and weeks after our call
($4,000 value) 

When you apply and are a good fit, I'll send you a personalized Loom giving you an overview of the gaps I can spot in your business AND a plan for EXACTLY what we would do together to double your revenue without doubling your work hours! 

✨6 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram access (Value $4k) when PIF in ADDITION to the 1:1

✨ 1 VIP Intensive (normally $4500) - 5 hours of intensive coaching with me (to be redeemed from September onwards) 

PIF: Your Choice Bonus:

You plan a launch in perfect detail…and then two of your kids come down with the flu and are out of school for a week.

You FINALLY have a content plan for the month and you’re all ready to batch 25 Reels…and you catch a hacking cough and lose your voice.
(Ask me how I know).

You’ve considered giving up…but you KNOW that you’re called to something BIGGER than just you.

And you’re ready to go ALL. FREAKING. IN.

You KNOW that $10K months are just the beginning for you…and that you were made for so much more.

Imagine having...

The clarity to know exactly what to do every day, week, month to take your business to the place you’re dreaming of ($10K months? $15K? $20K? Let’s make it happen!)

A business that creates revenue consistently so you don't feel like you're starting over every month. 

A sales plan and business model that you know can work for you and your family - no matter what your schedule is.

The strategy, mindset and energetics to both map out AND execute your plans with clarity, confidence and flow.

A simplified marketing plan that enables you to create sales WITHOUT being chained to your laptop or phone all day.

A dreamy offer suite that serves both you and your clients at the highest level.

Does that sound like
the business for you? 

So many of the top business coaches/gurus/
success stories out there make it feel like there's something wrong with you for not being able to achieve their level of success in their  timeframe.

The thing is...

1. has a million dollar business,
2. writes a book, 
3. AND practices self-care.  

Imagine a single 35-year old woman without kids teaching us how to manage our time "like a genius" and learn from her how she: 

*insert screaming laughter*

And even if they ARE moms, when you look a little closer, you realize they got to where they are with a TON of help:


Personal assistants

An existing business before they even HAD kids that enabled them to get support

Children in school

A spouse who picked up most of the home maintenance

Supportive parents who live right around the corner and happily fill in all the gaps

... All well and good, but NOT necessarily reflective of YOUR reality

(My husband would rather stab himself in the eye with a rusty fork than be “retired” so he could stay home with our kids. Not happening.)

All you want are offers you love to deliver, sales coming in while you’re at Target, client inquiries in your inbox, and five-figures a month (or more) working only 15-20 hours a week so you can give your family (and yourself) the experiences, home, and resources you always wanted to.


No. No, it isn't - and it's ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE FOR YOU!

General business advice works in general, but it doesn't work for us because it’s not calibrated to mom life.

Predictability? Ha.

Morning routines? You mean I have to wake up BEFORE my kids?

I did all the things. Booking myself out with sales calls (many of which weren’t highly qualified), beautifully custom proposals that got ghosted, charging hourly, offering a Cheesecake Factory-like menu of offers…

And yes, I was hitting the occasional 5-figure month…but I was working ALL THE FREAKING TIME. My fitness went out the window, I was exhausted all the time, and I was losing patience with my kids WAY more than I felt comfortable with.


Then I got pregnant with bundle of joy #5. And I realized:


I needed a LEVERAGED business. One that gave me the most income and impact with the least amount of effort.

(Efficiency is my superpower. I specialize in things like cooking entire meals using minimal dishes, dictating copy while folding laundry, and reading personal development books and planning my week while I get my 10K steps in for the day.)

And with that insight, I developed my own way of doing business... a way that worked for ME, with MY schedule and my family's needs.

Because if you want to build a business that works with your MOM life,
you need a business model that’s built around that lifestyle..

So I did all the work for you (so you can get results without sacrificing your family, your sanity, and every scrap of sleep) and created...

My signature CEO M.O.M.S. Method.
And it works at EVERY stage of business.

And that took me to a $200K year working 2-4 hours a day...with a baby at home!

A TRUE "mastermind."


The definition of a ‘true’ mastermind is: “a group that offers a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability and support to sharpen your business and personal skills.

A mastermind group helps you and your mastermind group members achieve success.

Members challenge each other to set strong goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them.

This mastermind will focus on helping you build a brand that’s truly unique to you, and from there create an offer suite & marketing strategy that supports your big business goals and helps you execute consistently with confidence.

Now, more than ever, it’s imperative to stand out online.

The online world is growing at an exponential rate. Our goal is to identify YOUR standout superpower and convey it in your messaging and offers so that you can build a business that’s sustainable and feels 100% aligned to YOU.


Being part of masterminds has honestly been the #1 thing that took my business from “maybe I can bring in a couple thousand extra a month” to mapping out a $500K sales year!

Whether it was from the coaching I’ve gotten to networking and collabing with my mastermind family - I can trace a direct ROI back to every single mastermind investment I’ve made.

I’ve assembled a group of powerhouse mom biz owners who are looking to make BIG strides this year and desire the support to get there from other moms like themselves.

Moms who actually GET IT and are IN the trenches with them.

Hi, I'm Yael!

When I'm not doing laundry (okay, I'm never not doing laundry) and whipping up random delicious baked goods for my husband and 5 kiddos, I'm coaching my clients to hit their first (and next) 6 figure years, add on more leveraged streams of income, and free up more of their time in an aligned, sustainable way!

 Using my proven strategies, systems and offers, I actually achieved my biggest months EVER . . . while pregnant, managing four kids at home on Zoom, and working less.

I’ve had 4 six-figure years in a row, as a service provider and then as a coach and course creator - and I only work 4 days a week.

 If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a mom and entrepreneur, it’s that there is NO one size fits all solution - in business or in life. And THAT is how I help my clients - figure out THEIR unique path to success.


And... Introducing Our Co-Coaches!

Ready to build your high-converting Podfunnel so you can convert more premium clients without sales calls? Tara will come in every month and give you feedback and reviews of your Podfunnel strategy, content and implementation. Let's get you bringing new clients in weekly with her expert podcasting help!

Tara Counterman, Podfunnel Coach

Want expert conversion-focused eyes on your sales copy, emails, content or website? Jen will help you zhuzh your copy from good to fantastic and high converting with her weekly audits!

Jen Hill myers, copy coach

The Funnel Flippers
Kylee and Sami

We’d had the occasional five figure months before, but they were the most stressful months of our business lives because we were working overtime, were burnt out, and weren’t working with our dream clients. Plus, there was no predictability!

"Now we have a signature offer we’re obsessed with, we’re booked out a couple months in advance, our clients are begging to work with us on retainer, we’re projecting five figure months for the next quarter, AND we have more free time than we know what to do with!”

Here's what my clients are saying:

Love and Dating Coach
Bonita Grobbelaar

“While I was in the Accelerator, I booked 9 clients in one month, hit over $22K in sales, and made $8K in cash in just two weeks with ZERO overhead.”

Need more proof?

MOMentum Marketing strategy that combines evergreen funnels, promotion and flexibility that aligns with the times of year that you feel most spacious

My eyes on your biz to help you get clarity on your premium messaging and positioning that brings your dream clients in that does the selling for you - so you can spend less time selling and more time doing whatever the heck you want 🙂

Offer suite and business modeling that’s aligned with your mom goals and family schedule - the “both/and” of being a mom and a business owner without feeling constantly torn between the two

The CEO Mom Mastermind is the mastermind I dreamed of when I imagined a space where both business ambitions and family values were equally celebrated and supported.

Seasonal and cyclical planning for your business to prevent burnout

CEO mom mindset inspiration and optimization - practical mindset that actually works for busy moms, not pipe dreams and bro smoke blowing

Running your home like a CEO - get your kids and partner onboard with the daily tasks and schedules that allow you to stay in your CEO zone more often

Connect more deeply with your children - learn how to create quality time with them as well as fostering independence and growth

Grow a stronger relationship with your partner (even if they’re not an entrepreneur) to avoid the entrepreneurship traps that too often lead to relationship fractures and family disharmony.

Things we will cover in our time together: 

You've got the perfect trifecta for maximum results!

Here's what you receive when you join the CEO Mom Mastermind:


Your ROI Roadmap - After you submit your intake form, you'll receive a Google Doc and Loom video detailing your 12 month plan and exactly how you’ll make this investment back AND MORE during our time together

Weekly feedback - you can submit your offers, copy, funnels, emails, etc weekly for me to look at and give my feedback along with our Copy Coach (value $10,000)

2-3 calls a month (value $20,000)
  • 1x a month mini-mind coaching session where each mom will get a chance to get feedback from Yael and the group to get unstuck and build momentum.
  • 1x a month workshop/what's working session where we'll either tackle a specific topic and take action immediately - or each person will get a chance to share what's working for THEM right now and we'll collectively brainstorm how to apply these things to your businesses
  • Most months will have a bonus call - either from one of my other live programs or a guest expert!

1 MOMentum implementation week per month - no call this week, just PURE action taking on everything we’ve discussed in the previous calls

Mindset Coaching Office Hours to help you identify your mindset blocks that are keeping you from taking action and expanding the way you want, set new standards for yourself, and create an entirely new reality for yourself as the Confident CEO Mom you're meant to be!


Access to ALL of my current programs (over $10K in value) for the duration of the mastermind (any that exist or are created during your time in the mastermind) including:

  • CEO Mom Academy ($2K) - How to create, market and sell your productized signature offer
  • Leveraged CEO Accelerator ($3K) - Automate your lead generation, sales and delivery
  • Flash Launch Method ($1K - coming in 2024) - How to run flash launches throughout the year
  • Momentum Marketing Method ($1K) - Creating a yearly marketing and sales plan that builds momentum each month
  • Cash Injection Bootcamp ($1K) - How to make $2K-$20K in 3 weeks or less
  • Non-Woo Mindset Makeover ($500) - my “most underrated program ever” according to my clients. Clear your limiting beliefs, take intentional and unapologetic action and start showing up for those sales like a CEO Mom. You’ll be coming back to this again and again!
  • Pathway to $20K ($2K -coming in 2024)


The goal of CMM is to create a community so tight-knit that your cycles are practically synced! 😂
  • A group chat where you can get strategy, mindset reframes and coaching support from me and more importantly, each other, on the daily
  • Roundtable hot seats every month - so you can get coached by me but ALSO get your CEO mom besties’ input
  • Accountability partners based on common goals and complementary expertise


Falling Down the Funnel

Where we teach you how to build a 10 episode sales podcast designed to close high-ticket clients without lengthy DM conversations or sales calls. ($2,997 value)

This is a completely new, completely innovative approach that blends the power of podcasting with an intentional sales strategy that's built for your audience, their life, and the way they want to be sold to. Our Podfunnel co-coach Tara invented it based on what worked REALLY well for their weekly podcast clients... and it worked better than they could ever have imagined! 

Brand new to the mastermind!!

This is a perfect project for the summer - let's give it up for audio assets that can be recorded in a bathing suit! 

A luxurious swag bundle!

2-3 virtual retreats every year on topics like quarterly planning, automation, routines and family alignment

 I will be featuring mastermind members on my podcast, Raising Your Business! We'll also have a directory for easy referrals and cross-promotion.

And don't forget your bonuses!

Luxurious Swag!

2-3 Virtual Retreats Every Year

Visibility and Collab Opportunities!

Discounts on VIP Days, intensives, and 1:1 with me!

Access to my personal circle of guest experts on business, parenting and relationships


Guest Experts

Summer 2024 Only Bonuses!

✨ Two bonus months in the program (pay for 12, get 14) and get IMMEDIATE access to my entire product suite, the supportive community, the weekly copy audits, AND our next two calls in June as well as guest experts and co-working/peer mastermind sessions with the Mastermind co-coach Jen Hill Myers. 

✨Extended 14-month payment plan for cashflow benefits

✨ NEW MASTERMIND ADDITION! Access to the entire Falling Down The Funnel curriculum AND monthly calls  with Podfunnel Co-Coach Tara Counterman - where she'll help you create your podcast mini-series funnel to sell your high ticket services and coaching without sales calls! This is MAGIC and the perfect summer project that you can deploy in the fall! ($6,000 value)

BANANAS BONUS: FOUR 1:1 CALLS to use throughout our time together (including an ROI Revenue Roadmap kickoff call - the sooner you join, the sooner we can schedule it in and make a plan before I go on maternity leave!) - these calls are where you can tap in when you need it and get that intense and focused coaching outside of our usual hotseats. My clients and I have created $10-$25k in revenue within days and weeks after our call ($4k value) 

When you apply and are a good fit, I'll send you a personalized Loom giving you an overview of the gaps I can spot in your business AND a plan for EXACTLY what we would do together to double your revenue without doubling your work hours! 

✨6 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram access (Value $4k) when PIF in ADDITION to the 1:1 OR

✨ 1 VIP Intensive (normally $4500) - 5 hours of intensive coaching with me (to be redeemed from September onwards) 

PIF: Your Choice Bonus:


I'm so in! 


12 monthly payments of

Yes, I'd like to apply!

I'm so in!


paid in full

What’s the actual price you’ll pay for the 12 months full of everything you need to create margin, money and MOMENTUM in your business?

Over $50,000 USD

What’s the total value you’ll receive in the CEO Mom Mastermind?

6 weeks of 1:1 Telegram coaching (normally $4K) OR 1 VIP Intensive (Normally $4.5K)

This mastermind is for ambitious mom entrepreneurs like you if:

You’re a mom or soon-to-be mom who is serious about building a business and legacy that not only supports your family but also aligns with your long-term goals. You understand the importance of sustainable growth over just quick cash infusions (though those are enjoyable too!).

You’re ready to massively up-level alongside a group of women who are committed to big goals. They will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and take significant action, maintaining consistency in the (sometimes unglamorous) work that will lead to success.

You’re coming in with a growth mindset - you’re coachable and ready to look for solutions, not problems.

You've implemented some automation but really want to evolve your solo efforts into a comprehensive offer suite that provides sustainability, significant profit, and FREEDOM at 6+ figures.

You’re already established in your business - you're making around $5-7K a month on average, have been in business for longer than a year, and have offers you're selling. (This is NOT for you if you’ve never worked with clients)

You KNOW you’re destined for serious achievements with your business, but feel somewhat uncertain about the methods and strategies to scale consistently and effectively.

👉 The CEO Mom Mastermind is NOT for you if:

You want to keep doing the same things over and over again because they feel safe

You haven’t had success with any other program you’ve ever bought and are looking at this program as a “savior”

You don’t have some area of expertise or something you’re already selling

You don’t have a business yet (Reach out to us so we can recommend some resources if this is you!)

You’re not willing to do the energetic work to rewire your thoughts and patterns so you can truly break through to the next level

DM Yael on instagram

I totally get that coaching is an investment, and one that can often feel like a stretch. I’ve felt that every time I’ve brought on new support in my business, so I truly know how you feel.

I also know that I would never have grown without these investments, and it’s from those places of discomfort and “stretchiness” that all the goodness and growth has stemmed from in my business.

I had to trust myself and decide that my success was inevitable. I want to invite you to give yourself that same level of trust and belief. I know (deep to my core) that is where the results come from.

Haven't hit the "Apply" button yet but still reading? I get it. 

Ask yourself this - if not now then WHEN?

If you have more questions then I’m here for you.

Simply send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll reply within 24 hours Monday – Thursday with your questions answered. 

The mastermind is currently enrolling on evergreen - that means, you can join today! That being said, we can only onboard a certain amount of new clients per month in order to give the full support I've committed so if you've been thinking about it, apply now!

When does the Mastermind start? 


Honestly, I'd be pretty surprised if you felt that way. I've really put my all into this, packing it with strategies and insights that I'm confident will make a difference.

But here's the deal: I don't offer refunds for this mastermind. Why? Because I believe wholeheartedly in the value it brings. I'm here to support you every step of the way as you level up your business. A big part of success is committing to the journey – it's about being fully on board. So, what do you say, are you ready to dive in with me?

What if I don't like it? Do you offer refunds?


You probably already know this, but I need to be clear: I can't guarantee your results. The success stories you've seen are from folks who really put in the effort and were committed to their own growth.
To get the most out of this, you'll need to put in the work too. Sometimes, progress might take a bit longer, and that's okay – there are loads of factors at play. But one thing's for sure: the skills and knowledge you gain here are yours for life. They're going to be a game-changer for your business, no matter what.

The one thing I CAN guarantee? I’m going to show up for you 100%. Are you ready to do the same?

Are results guaranteed?


You get direct access to me 4 days a week inside of our Slack channel, where I will personally answer any questions I’m tagged in! Plus we have 3 calls a month where you’ll get the opportunity to get hotseat coaching, and you can submit your content and copy weekly for me to give detailed feedback.

It’s the most access anyone will get to me outside of my 1:1 coaching!

How much access do I get to Yael in the mastermind?


Yes! You can divide your payments over the course of the year into $1,000/month versus the pay in full amount of $10,000!

Is there a payment plan for the CEO mom Mastermind?


If there’s one thing I know, it’s that with the combination of customized support, a resource library to tap into when you need it, and a community of like-minded CEO mamas cheering you on…

You will be in SUCH a different place 12 months from now. You can’t HELP but win.

Are you ready to join us and make this year your best one yet?

Apply Here

I'm so in!!